As healthcare organisations across the Asia-Pacific region struggle with rising costs, aging populations, staffing shortages and the COVID-19 pandemic, they have largely embraced digital transformation. The volume of patient data created annually continues to increase, and aggregating and analysing this data allows providers to derive actionable insights for patient-centric, evidence-based healthcare delivery. To address healthcare challenges while optimising costs and resources, providers need a robust, interoperable digital infrastructure that can support managing 

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Digital Infrastructure: The Key to Success in Modern Healthcare Delivery

Accelerating innovation while improving patient and staff experiences

large volumes of data and multiple workflows, as well as collaboration between different stakeholders. However, technology adoption comes with its own challenges, particularly in the areas of integrating data sources and partnering with vendors and other organisations. Frost & Sullivan, along with Equinix, offers a look into the importance of digital infrastructure and how it can make healthcare more accessible, affordable and equitable.

Discover how Equinix can help healthcare organisations:

    Deliver healthcare in new ways, including virtual consultations and remote patient monitoring

    Enable data-driven collaboration between providers and vendor partners

    Maintain business continuity, including disaster recovery plans

    Scale efficiently based on demand with access to networks, clouds and a broader healthcare ecosystem

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