Better Collaboration Through Care Coordination and Rapid Response Team Management 

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The challenges surrounding information and communication in the health system are enormous and complex. However, as data can be found everywhere, it is still defiance to provide relevant and digital background information promptly. For this reason, Ascom aims to bridge the gap in the digital information world by bringing healthcare technology and mobile solutions together.

Data is the starting point; clinicians and caregivers need actionable insights for responsive patient care. The Ascom Healthcare

platform creates actionable and context-rich insights by streamlining all critical information and care activities. Thus, this helps healthcare professionals make better clinical decisions with improvement in management, coordination, and actual care.

The platform combines integrated hardware and software that makes clinical information or information from healthcare technology accessible and brings them together. It helps to bridge the information gap between devices, hospitals, and healthcare systems, and healthcare teams as a well-informed decision can be made on time with increased reach of critical information across various care domains.

A white paper, developed in conjunction with BMJ, discussed better collaboration through care coordination and rapid response team management.

Key takeaways:

    Technology and communication in the healthcare system

    Nurse shortage and burnout

    Importance of clinical care team communication

    Caring for patients across different settings

    Preventing the spread of infectious diseases among health professionals

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